Spider-Man review and anatomy

Spider-Man review and anatomy

This is my review of the new 2021 Spider-Man film and what I noticed about the anatomy of a superhero.

First off, the review.

No major spoilers!

My son when he was 3 years old loved the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man. Now my son is 13 and he loves this new film. Gave it 1000 out of 10. You’ll laugh out loud and maybe cry out loud. Great characters and well worth watching.

Anatomy of a superhero

A couple of things I noticed about Spider-Man’s anatomy.

Number 1, he suffers from back pain! He’s obviously carrying a lot of tension in his shoulders from climbing up walls and across ceilings. He could do with booking a sports massage session! I’d start with shoulders then lower back, and recommend some thoracic rotations to incorporate into his daily activities.

Number 2, the iconic Spider-Man stretch.

One thing Spidey does really well, alongside scaling buildings, is he never neglects to stretch his adductors. Jumping off a 900ft skyscraper? Land in the Spider-Man stretch to absorb the impact.

Never heard of adductors?

It’s your inner thigh. Most people know where quads and hamstrings are, but adductors are the overworked and underpaid compartment of the thigh.

Looking after your adductors

I often encounter adductors that really need some extra care. They feel knotted and tight, and are tender for the client. If they don’t get their full range of motion, both stretching and activation, then they’re going to shut down and you’ll end up with knee pain, hip pain and groin pain that you can never quite figure out where it’s coming from.

So take a leaf out of Spidey’s exercise book and try the Spider-Man stretch everyday! See if you can hold the stretch on each side while the kettle boils, or even while you brush your teeth. That way you won’t forget to incorporate a bit of mobility into your everyday routine.

Plus you’ll get to feel like a superhero.

I hope you enjoyed this review of the Spider-Man film, and my observations of a superhero’s anatomy!

If you want to book a session or an online consultation with me, get in touch on my Facebook page;


And here’s another link to my article on stress and the immune system;


I went to see Lucie with a sore back and knee, the work she has done in one hour is amazing. She has left me with no pain in my back and hardly any pain in my knee. In just one hour!!!!! Absolutely amazing, would highly recommend. Thank you

Heidi, Facebook